
Taurus Monthly Horoscope

July 2024

It's time and demand to end pending issues: you have to put people in place, revisit old debts and pending proceedings. It is unlikely that most will be resolved in your favor, but a loss is better than to suffer by the Sword of Damocles. And there are issues that will eventually fall under their own weight. It is best to be prepared for it. High Moon in your sky is always an opportunity to make a court case and make clear gains and losses. We gain nothing by denying the obvious. Especially in your case, Taurus, with the great sense of responsibility and analysis that distinguishes you. You have to open your eyes: the moon lights your way and puts you on a path where you will not be missing the risks or losses, but whose final liberty and the well-being. One of the best strategies to make way to independence is to recognize our limits, for this exercise of honesty is in no way a form of resignation, but an inventory of those skills and strengths we possess. You are asked for extra effort and accept defeat, but with a visible reward all the time: shake bitterness by those not running out of it. There is no quitting: the struggle to be performed. With a disease, we must act to heal the body. You will be faced with threats to the heart and to the economy, too. Dealing with your enemies, but even at the end if they stay with what they want from you, is not only an act of courage: the perfect way to create a firewall to stop them.

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